Wind's Four Quarters Farm

Biodynamic, Sustainable, and Regenerative Farming for the 21st Century

Welcome To

Wind’s Four
Quarters Farm

Our Mission

Our mission is to provide customers and residents with organically-grown fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds and pasture-raised heritage-breed meat, egg, dairy, and wool products while integrating with the local ecosystem, embracing zero-waste operations, and stewarding the land and native species.  Education, vocational, and therapeutic opportunities strength the community and extend long-term benefits to the students. This is all a formal and wordy way of saying, “Wind’s Four Quarters Farm is designed to achieve virtual self-sufficiency while embracing sustainability and giving back to the community.”

But what does it all mean?  Even I’m not certain I fully comprehend the impact of this statement, but I know what it means to me right now: producing the food and a fair portion of clothing, shelter, and power locally, right on the property, while assisting the preservation of heritage-breed livestock and heirloom-variety crops.  In a year, it may mean something different to me, and it may already mean something different to you.

This blog is dedicated to the exploration of this mission.  Join me on my journey and share with me what it means to you!


What is a biodynamic, sustainable, regenerative farm?

A biodynamic ecosystem is diversified and balanced, generating health and fertility from within itself, and regenerates the local microclimate with increased vitality and habitat viability. Sustainable practices fulfill the needs of the current generation while ensuring continued production for future generations, sometimes referred to as the “seven generations plan.”

A farm embracing these tenets is healthy and financially stable.


As the word implies, heirloom seeds are historical varieties that are passed from generation to generation, like an heirloom possession. In the U.S., they’ve often been brought by immigrants and handed down through the years, sometimes within a single family. Heirlooms are open-pollinated varieties of fruits and vegetables, so they rely on wind or pollinators to transfer pollen between flowers.


“Heritage” is to livestock as “heirloom” is to produce. Many of the breeds originated between the 17th and 19th centuries and are almost exclusively multi-purpose breeds; often, the breeds were nearly lost when specialized breeds were imported to the regions where they’d developed. Historical interest and small homesteads have led to preservation groups, such as the Livestock Conservancy, who work to ensure these breeds continue to exist.

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News & Events

  • Preparing to Build the Farmhouse

    Over the past year, we have been laying the groundwork – so to speak – to start building the farmhouse. Now, we are actually starting construction!

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  • What Happens in January?

    For many farmers, January is a time of rest. For biodynamic farmers, it represents the beginning of the growing season.

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Spring in Our Garden